To be able to forecast health indicators and consequences, Styku can now scan your entire body using computer vision and artificial intelligence. The largest and most active dataset in the world is available from Styku, the largest 3D body scanning system in the world. With this tool, our goal is to assist people in leading healthier lives by utilising extremely potent visual tools, such as 3D scans, to better comprehend their present health status, health risks, wellness, and level of physical fitness.
This autonomous, contactless scanning system includes an integrated medical-grade scale and DEXA compatible scanning capabilities to precisely provide you with 2D/3D before and after visuals that can be viewed from any angle. Along with 100+ body measures, total and specific types of body fat percentages, fat mass, lean mass, bone mass, bone density, and much more, you will also get a detailed report. The Styku also contains built-in coaching capabilities that, when used in conjunction with our Certified Styku Coach, will enable you to translate your objective into precise daily consumption and expenditure amounts. Clients extend their arms out in front of them while they stand still on a platform for a short while. The quick, non-invasive 3D body scanning technology captures millions of data points in a matter of seconds with razor-sharp, high-definition infrared imaging equipment. Closely fitted athletic clothing, tailored pants, or just your birthday suit are recommended as apparel! During your appointment for scanning, you will have all the privacy you require.
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